For most, weekends mean two days off work with some much-needed R&R. But for game developers, it’s a time during which they get to show off what they’ve been working on. I am of course referring to Screenshot Saturday, which involves tweeting screenshots with the #ScreenshotSaturday hashtag; some of which I will be critiquing every Tuesday, in Speculating Screenshots.
Ah, the tried and true red vs. blue, eh? Creepy head too…
Golf? Golf with coins? Golf with… hang on, that looks more like MINIgolf!
Oh my. Someone’s in trouble, because that’s definitely the second-largest snake I’ve ever seen.
Not sure how, or if, that’d work as a video game, but man does it ever look stylish. Also, coffee!
Wait, what? Wedding Simulator? Nah. Couldn’t be.
Sequel time! Sequel dungeoncrawler time! Cheesy sequel dungeoncrawler time! Woo!
And I thought my place was a mess. I mean, there’s a huge hole in the floor… with… what’s that coming out of it?!
Wouldn’t be a proper Speculating Screenshots without a bit of mayhem and destruction, so there ya go.
No way. That’s just… no way. Then again, esports – could be awesome? Could be.
Wrapping this one up with a stylish, what-is-this screenshot. Enjoy!