See? I told you I was gonna report on this, although it did take a bit longer than I had planned. Anyway, before we get to the Indiegogo bits, here’s a quick summary of what Ithaka of the Clouds will be about: Inspired by Greek poetry, it’ll be a lengthy adventure about two trolls, complete with hand-drawn graphics and more focus on exploration and socializing, instead of the obscure puzzles that haunt so many games in the genre. Up-to-speed? Moving on then.
Might as well start with the financial aspect, since that’s what crowdfunding is really all about: the goal is to acquire $12.000 and at the time of writing, 31 days remain. Also, it’s a fixed campaign, which means that – unless I’m mistaken – they won’t receive a cent unless the goal is reached. Most of the money will be spent on paychecks to those working on the project, but of course, some will go to materials – paper, pencils, and of course the perks. These are available at certain support tiers, one of which will set ya back $300: a hand-painted boxed version of the game (1 out of 20 have been claimed).
People have been asking us for an updated version of The Strange and Somewhat Sinister Tale of the House at Desert Bridge for a while now, ever since it stopped working on newer systems. We’d love to go back and create improved versions of both Desert Bridge and The Book of Living Magic. They would remain free, of course!
Keep in mind that the above quote is referring to stretch goals, but with $1,749 raised and plenty of time left, it just might happen. While there is a $10,000 tier (wow), I’m almost certain no one will grab it. A far more likely scenario is that many will claim the $10 ‘pre-order’ tier. Note that Ithaka of the Clouds won’t be out for another 6-8 months, and “funding this campaign will cause the Earth to be invaded by aliens or struck by a meteorite”. Uh… right. Anyway, the Indigogo page can be found here.