This year’s iteration of the GMTK Game Jam – a 48-hour game jam with a focus on three core elements: design, mechanics, and clever ideas – is almost upon us. It’s so close, in fact, that you might be able to hear it in the distance if you listen closely.
Or you won’t hear anything and end up looking just a tiny bit silly, because… well… okay. Weird joke. Anyway, with very few restrictions, such as the game uploaded being capable of running on Windows or in a browser, this might not be a bad game jam for first-timers. Except for the 48-hour limit. But I’m sure there are other game jams that take place over a much longer duration, however, if you’re looking to avoid crunch. Which you should. It’s not healthy.
As for the rest of you who are still reading this… keep in mind that you will be judged at the end of GMTK Game Jam 2021, by the public, and in the following categories no less: fun, originality, and presentation. Still here? Great. The theme will, for obvious reasons, be revealed at the beginning of the jam. Which is… let’s see… ah, on June 11th, at 7 PM UK time, and it ends on June 13th, at 7 PM UK time.
That’s about all the details you need, right? I mean, aside from the Discord link, and of course, the rules. Rules are important. Good stuff.