Going offline in 2021 is like the worst nightmare one can imagine. Okay so maybe not, but it’s up there, and because of this… an upcoming game jam is going to revolve around creating an endless game to fill that gap. In Opera GX. Trust me, it makes sense.
Now, for those not familiar with Opera GX, it is essentially a web browser built with gaming in mind. As such, it makes perfect sense to use a game jam as the means for finding that one game to run on its ‘no internet’ page. Oh, and there are cash awards too, both for first, second, and third place. Hope your HTML5 and GameMaker Studio 2 skills are up to snuff because I have a feeling this is going to be an absolutely brutal competition.
You do have some time to plan and prep, as the Opera GX Game Jam won’t commence until July 29, at which point its ever-important theme will also be revealed. Then, two weeks later, whatever you end up making… shall be judged. Harshly and without mercy. Well, maybe not that last part, but judged it shall be, on the following criteria: Gameplay, Creativity & Theme, and Visuals. Which brings me to the rules. Of which there are quite a few, so be sure to read them. Be a shame to waste time on a submission, only to have it invalidated:
- The game should be playable on HTML5 (click HERE to get a free HTML5 licence for the jam).
- The game should be around 5MB or smaller.
- The game should be playable offline (no remote data loading!).
- The game should have a high score counter.
- The game should be available to play in an endless mode.
- The game should have local multiplayer OR be designed to easily include local multiplayer.
- The game and all of its visual aspects should be made during the jam development period.
- You can use pre-made music and sound assets (as long as you have permission or a license).
- Your game must be free.
- You must own the IP. No fan games!
- No racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, religious prejudice, or other forms of hate. No personal attacks. No pornographic content. Nothing illegal.
For more details, check out the Opera GX Game Jam page, and again… read those rules. Oh, and most importantly: don’t forget to have fun!