Darkness. Often a key element for media rooted in horror, whether it be a video game, movie, book, or TV series. Light&Dark is no different, and stepping into the shoes of Victoria Bloom, its protagonist, will provide you with a challenge, one not for the faint of heart. Why? Well, her only means of defence against the nasties that lurk in the shadows is… a flashlight. (Or is it?)
To make matters even worse, the old mansion in which she finds herself trapped will be randomly generated for each playthrough. Of which there will be many. For you will die, time and time again, until eventually victory is achieved, Victoria emerging triumphant over the darkness in the Old Bloom Mansion. Maybe.
With our young Victoria visiting her grandfather at the Old Bloom Mansion on top of Pinewood hill, like she does every winter, only this time things seem different…
That said, what good is light if its only purpose is navigating dark, unsettling hallways? Not a whole lot, I’d say, so it’s a good thing that Light&Dark isn’t deeply rooted in reality, enabling its protagonist to lay waste to enemies with one of her many light sources. Ah, surely you didn’t think that old janky flashlight would be her only means of illumination, did you now? Matches, lanterns, and firecrackers also come into play, aiding in the clearing of darkness and enemy alike. Among other things.
Not good enough? How about further increasing her odds of survival by way of a little tinkering, then? See, Victoria has taken after her grandfather in that regard, always messing with some gizmo or other, disassembling and reassembling them in new ways. An odd quirk that will no doubt prove useful in escaping this particular pickle. Onwards, into the light we go!
Light&Dark will be on Steam come March 8, 2020.