Indie games are quite a varied bunch (especially compared to the vast majority of AAA projects), and best of all, so many are just plain… weird. In a good way. A great example of this came to be recently too, in the form of Infini which has you playing the part of Hope – personified and disconnected from the real world.
Oh, and just in case it doesn’t sound crazy enough already: the likes of Time, Poetry and Memory are also living, breathing beings (more or less) in this genuinely twisted place. While undeniably interesting, if slightly unsettling, do keep in mind that all are not equally trustworthy. Wouldn’t be much fun if it was all peaceful and quiet though, would it? No. Not one bit, and if the trailer below is anything to go by, tranquillity is not part of this game. At all.
As Hope drifts deeper into Infinity, the real world begins to suffer from his absence. There doesn’t seem to be any way out, and Hope is by nature doomed to carry on.
But what about the gameplay? Ah yes, this is where things seemingly take another turn for the uniquely intriguing. See, while everything does play out in a two-dimensional environment, camera manipulation and screen warping help turn what would otherwise be a rather basic affair… into a significantly more puzzling journey. One without any room for mistakes, as you attempt to traverse its 100+ levels, accompanied by groovy tunes and visuals straight out of paintings more abstract than you could possibly imagine. Oh yes, you are not prepared.
Infini is available on Steam and, carrying an $11.99 price tag.