Game jams appear in many different forms these days, ranging from absolutely bonkers to super serious. But few tend to focus on as important a topic as the Climate Change Jam, this one being all about… environmental awareness. Something I’d wager we could all do with more of.
So, instead of alongside screaming from the top of our lungs that people should start treating the planet with a little more respect, how about making a game related to the problem at hand? You have one week to do it, from August 10th to the 18th, and… anything goes, really. In fact, perhaps you could create something to showcase what you think might happen if action is not taken, and soon at that? Everyone seems to love post-apocalyptic video games these days after all. Or, if not that, maybe something a little less dire. Positivity and optimism go further than one might think, and yes, it can be embodied in a game without losing the fun factor. Just try it. Please?
In fact, if we don’t do something about it right now, Earth will be in large parts uninhabitable for humans. Not in the far-away future, but in our lifetime. (And yes, it is our fault.)
Whatever you end up making, however, at least – as the announcement post also makes note of – “try to make something with an impact”. Heck, doesn’t even have to be a video game (yes, I know – why have I been focusing on that aspect then? Well, simply put, I love games). In case you’re looking for ideas and/or inspiration, the aforementioned post is not a bad place to start; especially if your idea(s) revolve around activism, fishing or even science. Go ahead, and take a look.