It’s been a couple of years since the groovy restaurant management game sequel Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!! saw the light of day. Fortunately, its creator has not simply been kicking back, taking it easy either as Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?! is… right around the corner, near-future food truck and all. No really. This time, aspiring chefs will be hitting the road, serving up a case of deliciousness across a war-torn America in the year 2042, because why not? Colour me intrigued (and… hungry).
As depicted by the trailer below, there’ll be a lot of balls to juggle for players this time around as each stop brings new challenges, with no two customers placing the same order. Actually, that’s not entirely accurate, as I’m sure there will be more than one person in need of something simple like, say, a basic cold beverage. But you know what I mean: variety is the spice of life, something you’ll likely find yourself using a lot in this upcoming third Cook, Serve, Delicious! entry. Spice, that is. Because… cooking? Right. Anyway, moving on.
Of course, you’re not simply cooking up a storm to make a living. No, this time you’re in it to win it – the Iron Cook National Foodtruck Championships, to be exact. Whether you go about it alone or with a friend, Zen Campaign enabled or disabled, your goal remains the same: serve hungry people across “hundreds of levels in a new gameplay structure that has been completely redesigned” as you race to Nashville, Tennessee, expanding your food catalogue along the way.
I mean, how else are you going to prove to everyone that you’ve still got what it takes, and… that you’re not afraid of setting up shop (or hitting the road with it, rather) in war-torn areas? How indeed.
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?! [Early Access] will be on Steam, come January 2020.