Not enough point-and-click adventures – or video games period – take place in the Old West. Nowhere near enough. As such, it was a joy to find that Grundislav Games’ next title, Rosewater, would be a Western drama… one set in the world of Lamplight City, to boot!
Normally, this is where I’d share all kinds of groovy details on that upcoming title, but here’s the thing: I don’t have any. Aside from another screenshot, which can be seen below, that is. I’d be very surprised if the developer doesn’t spill more beans soon enough on social media, though. Just a matter of time. Time and patience. I have plenty of the former, but the latter? Not when it comes to this particular genre. More details! Now!
In fact, there aren’t even any release date hints in the reveal, although I am going to remain hopeful and say 2019. Yup. 2019. Time will tell if that’s wishful thinking or not. Here’s an idea: to lessen the wait, how about checking out Lamplight City and… oh I don’t know, telling Francisco González (aka. Grundislav Games) how you feel about the Rosewater reveal on Twitter and/or Facebook?