Crafting an overly wordy tale is so much easier than one of so very few words. Don’t believe me? Give it a go. Wait. I didn’t mean right now! Ahem. Right. Anyway, Neo-Twiny Jam is all about working within a word limit. In Twine. In other words, interactive fiction game jam hype!
How many, or rather, how few? Why, a meagre 500! Per submission, that is, of which you are allowed a maximum of three, each with that same 500-word limit. Oh, and the bit about Twine – forget it. Any program/engine is golden for Neo-Twiny Jam, despite the title. Try not to think too much about it. Focus that energy on your submission instead.
Oh, and don’t forget to read the rules, both before starting and during, so you don’t forget and make a mistake that could invalidate all the time spent writing and/or coding. Better safe than sorry, even if you do have a full month. Trust me, once you get started, time is just going to fly right by, and before you know it, that’s that.
Speaking of, AI, LLM, spam and hateful content will be removed. No ifs or buts. No do-overs. Ah, and uh, don’t forget to have fun, ya know?
(Screenshot source: Conduit of the Crypt from last year’s Neo-Twiny Jam.)
Neo-Twiny Jam will be running from June 1st to July 1st.