Like so many others, The Arbitrary Gamejam (TAG) takes place over the course of a single weekend (72 hours). Participants will have to work within the constraint of three separate themes, two of which are randomly generated, with the last one decided by the current host; in this case, Udell Games.
Some may prefer the voting method for theme pick (ala. Ludum Dare), but random can be fun too, as it essentially means the theme(s) can be just about anything! Besides, with three to choose from, chances are at least one of them can be bent to your will and used in creating a game… of some sort. The zanier the result, the better I say, and with random being random, chances are that’ll be exactly what we see by the end of this second TAG.
Once the jam has come to an end, submissions will be rated by the host and the winner will be “tagged” as the next TAG host. A neat idea for sure, and one that’ll hopefully also get each host some exposure, putting them – and their games – out there for the world to see. Doesn’t matter if you’re a well-established developer or just getting started. Just be sure to submit your game by Monday, September 9th at 12:00 pm GMT, use at least one of the three themes, and please don’t ‘clone’ someone else’s work. Be creative and use your imagination instead! It’s what game jams are about after all (or should be, at least).
TAG #2 will begin this Friday (September 6th) at 00:00 am GMT, so you have less than 24 hours to cancel those weekend plans and get ready to jam! Themes this time around are scrimping, concludent and defenestration. If you, like me, have no idea what on Earth those words mean, Udell Games has listed definitions on their TAG page. Creations from TAG #1 can be found here and hey, remember to read the rules. Happy jamming!