Time waits for no one, and neither shall AGS Awards 2022 which has now moved beyond “play them games!” and onto “nomination time!”. I’m sure you know what that means. If not, well, hope you managed to sample the goods, because the time has come to let your voice be heard, and across fifteen categories no less.
With everything from ‘Best Game’ to ‘Best Programming’ present and accounted for, surely you’ll be able to find something to nominate – a game or two… or ten… or perhaps as many as twenty? With a total of sixty-three, it’s not like pickings are slim, at least. So what are you waiting for? Get to nominating Adventure Game Studio creations from yesteryear!
Once this part of AGS Awards 2022 wraps up, it’s onto voting. But we’re not there just yet, and likely won’t be until 23:59 GMT on Sunday 26 February 2023. Even so, do not dilly-dally. Nominate! Nom nom. Nom nom. Nom nom nom.
(Screenshot is from Personal Rocket.)