Are you ready to turn those fictional cartridges into real games? Because another A Game By Its Cover, the game jam which prioritizes fun over complex and boring things like rules… has begun!
No, really: rankings, competitive aspects, voting, or scoring/ranking? None of that, and no prizes either. Probably the most chill jam around, and the theme is entirely optional. What theme? Oh, I am so glad you asked: as noted on the jam page, “A LOT”. So… pick a cover, and make a game based on it. That’s really all there is to it.
Browse the exhibition, pick something that inspires you, take your time, chill, and turn it into a game! Or a piece of art, or music, or a one-page pen&paper thing. Or a poem. Or… anything. Who cares!
Oh, right. Almost forgot about the date(s): A Game By Its Cover 2022 began on October 15 and will be wrapping up on November 16, giving everyone plenty of time to create something groovy. So what are you waiting for?
(Note: screenshot is from A Game By Its Cover 2021’s Cult Adorable.)