Like the year itself, Unity’s 2017 has come to an end (yes, I do know 2017 is not over just yet, but… just roll with it), with the release of Unity 2017.3. It’s been said that the third time’s the charm, and if not for the fact that Unity’s been on a roll for a while now, I’d say the sheer amount of additions in this third 2017 iteration makes that statement rather true. Also, 2017. 2017. 2017!
Now, as indicated by the official announcement post, a lot has been added in this update. A lot. Like, more than most would even be able to wrap their heads around, I’d wager, Unity veteran or not. And that’s a good thing. Additions are good, and hey, there are also bug fixes… and other fun things. But the two biggest highlights are, arguably, Xbox One X support (you know, the ‘upgraded’ Xbox One) and 360 ‘Panoramic 360/180 video’. 360 degrees of freedom?
On top of that, there are improvements across the board – specifically in the physics department, but also where lighting is concerned, as well as for working with animations. Oh, and something about a Crunch Library. Nom nom nom.
As always with these releases, I’ve only scratched the surface of what’s new, shiny, and/or improved upon, so be sure to hit the blog post, and of course, the release notes. I may not get about 90% of it, but eh, I’m also not a Unity developer. Are you? If so, the comments section is open for thoughts on Unity 2017 – whether it be the entire cycle or just the .3 update.
(Source: Unity 2017.3 is here)