Like the recently launched Trans Witches are Witches bundle, I too reject Hogwarts Legacy. It’s a shame considering how much time and effort a lot of people put into making what would have been a really fun video game if not for its ties to the transphobic creator of the world it’s based on: J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter. So, how about supporting well over several dozen independent LGBTQ+ creators instead?
Simply put, $60 will get you 69 (oh, shush) “magic themed games, music, zines, and other things from LGBTQ+ creators”, while $10 reduces the number of items to 66. In other words, for the price of “one AAA wizard game”, you can opt to instead support 50+ LGBTQ+ creators on through this here bundle. Which, quite frankly, is a really good deal – both tiers, too.
A bundle of witchcraft and wizardry without the transphobia, antisemitism, and alt-right grifters. Reject Hogwarts Legacy’s bigotry and support independent LGBTQ+ creators.
Now, as far as what kind of beef I and many other people have with Hogwarts Legacy, and J.K. Rowling by extension, the bundle page links to the following articles on IndieWire, TheGamer, and Kotaku, respectively. There’s no hiding behind a misunderstanding, misinterpretation, misquote, or anything of the sort, here. It’s as clear as it can be, and as such, again: how about supporting well over several dozen independent LGBTQ+ creators instead?
Trans Witches are Witches ($60 version / $10 version) will be gone after February 24, 2023, so get yours sooner rather than later.