Looking for a virtual world that’ll let you take some time off from the real one, a world in which you can live life how you see fit, as long as you’re willing to deal with the consequences? Then I do believe Thousand Threads should be your destination as the possibilities here are as plentiful as the whole thing is absolutely beautiful.
Now, while mail delivery is hardly the most exciting gig around, I’m sure there’s a way to make it significantly more interesting (and profitable, even if not in terms of monetary gain). If not, well, there’s always about a hundred other things to occupy your time here, some of which may or may not be overly viable, depending on your character’s traits and relationships. See, these are randomized every time you start anew, making each and every adventure feel truly fresh. An interesting take on character creation, as normally the player has quite the level of control over what’s what in the avatar they’ll be stepping into the shoes of. Yup. Definitely interesting.
Help out. If you see someone being attacked, lend a helping (or hurting) hand. Characters remember and react to the actions you and others take.
Oh right, speaking of things to do: before you go on a crazy murder spree or upset everyone by wreaking havoc across the region, keep in mind that your actions will have consequences, sometimes even of the dire variety. Also, word spreads quickly, so if you must commit a crime… it’d probably be a good idea to ensure there are no witnesses. Just saying. How you interpret that is entirely up to you. Me, I’d probably opt for hobbies less likely to put me six feet under by the locals, though: hunting wildlife, gathering everything that grows, upgrade my tools and weapons, hunt more wildlife, explore, deliver some mail, open a letter or two. Or three. Or a lot more, in Thousand Threads. Ah, you get the gist.
Thousand Threads is available from Steam, carrying a $19.99 price tag.