Puzzles in video games have proven to be quite the varied bunch, although I do not recall seeing any that involved leaping between two separate dimensions. Such is exactly what Blit is not only capable of but straight-up required to do in Stereo Boy‘s isometric environments. Although, while puzzles can be fun, this little robot really just wants to solve the mystery of Planet SO-671 and find a way home. Perhaps you’d be willing to lend a hand to speed up the process somewhat?
Oh, in case you’re wondering why Blit is able to teleport like that, well, something about being able to harness quantum energy. High-level nerdy stuff, much like the game’s puzzles as the developer does describe them as “mind-bending”. Yikes. No wonder Blit needs a skilled player to get anywhere. Or to thwart off hostile aliens, unless, of course, you’re quick enough with the teleportation mechanic to simply dodge them. Remember, it only hurts if you actually get hit.
Stereo Boy is chock-full of interlocking puzzle mechanics, requiring you to use Blit’s teleportation ability in increasingly creative and intricate ways.
With more than fifty levels to traverse, all coming together to create an experience that – again, according to the developer – is “equal parts challenging, meditative, and charming”, Stereo Boy sounds like a neat little package of peculiar puzzles, teleportation across dimensions and all. Those looking for a little more background/lore, or just additional levels, are free to go collect shards. And really, who wouldn’t want to know what actually happened to SO-671? Just don’t forget that your main mission is to get Blit back home, and in one piece at that.
Stereo Boy is available on Steam with a $7.99 price tag.