A cold wind is blowing and the temperature is barely creeping through single digits, in my neck of the woods. It isn’t sub-zero though, and I guess in a way, spring is in fact approaching. By which I mean that this year’s Spring Thing Festival of Interactive Fiction (still a mouthful, by the way!). What’s it all about? I am so glad you asked: interactive tales of textual entertainment!
Textual. As in, entirely text-based games played using a parser. Which likely means you won’t find any use for that fancy gamepad or super-expensive new mouse you just got, as these are all affairs that only move things along whenever the player performs an action, whether it be a dialogue selection or otherwise. Basically… interactive fiction. Right. Anyway, it’s time to play no less than twenty submissions. Once that’s done with, why not nominate one or more, either for a Best In Show ribbon or the ‘custom’ (as in, ‘make up your own ribbon and give them to games’) Audience Awards? Just be sure to play at least two prior to making your picks and get your nominations in before 11:59 PM EST on May 3rd, 2020.
Best In Show
- 4×4 Galaxy, by Agnieszka Trzaska – Twine
- Another Love Story, by Hélène Sellier – Ren’Py
- Assemblage of Angels, by Els White – Twine
- Braincase, by Dan Lance – Twine
- Catch that kitty, by Rohan – Twine
- composites, by B Minus Seven – Twine
- The Golden, by Kerry Taylor – Twine
- GUNBABY, by Damon L. Wakes – Twine
- Hawk the Hunter, by Jonathan B. Himes – Quest
- JELLY, by Tom Lento and Chandler Groover – Twine
- Khellsphree, by Ralfe Rich – Twine
- The Land of Breakfast and Lunch, by Daniel Talsky – Inform/Glulx
- A Murder In Engrams, by Noah Lemelson – Twine
- Napier’s Cache, by Vivienne Dunstan – Inform/Glulx
- The Prongleman Job, by Arthur DiBianca – Inform/Glulx
- Quest for the Homeland, by Nikita Veselov – Ink
- States of Awareness, by Kerry Taylor – Twine
Back Garden
- 77 Verbs, by Mathbrush – Inform/Glulx
- silences, by beams (B Minus Seven) – Texture
- So Are the Days, by Dawn Sueoka – Twine