Pride Month! Pride Month is upon us once more, which means a month-long celebration of sexual diversity acceptance has begun. Doesn’t matter if you identify as LGBTQ+ or not, unlike what some might have you believe. Support is support and speaking of: have I told you about Queer Games Bundle 2021? I think I have. I might have. Well, whatever the case, time for a reminder as the bundle is now live!
Now, first things first: unlike past game jams and bundles that revolved around LGBTQ+ content in one form or another, the Queer Games Bundle 2021 does things a bit differently, in that the focus is actually on the developers, rather than what they’ve made. By which I mean that even if a game does not contain queer elements at all, as long as the developer identifies as such, you just might find it amongst the 200+ titles within. Or not. Hard to say. There are just so many! Which is truly awesome. Anyway, queer as in the developers, not the actual games, for this one.
Purchasing the Queer Games Bundle is a direct action that you can take right now to support queer people in a life changing way and in exchange you get over 200 amazing, heartfelt, fun, and radical games.
That said, how about a few recommendations/highlights from Queer Games Bundle 2021, just for good measure? If you’re interested in road trips, there’s Highway Blossoms: Remastered and Rainn and Skye, while Good Lookin Home Cookin features a delicious food court, Terranova takes you back to the early 2000s for some online roleplaying, and Katja’s Abyss: Tactics is all about digging/mining/drilling ever deeper in search of ancient artefacts. Undeniably groovy stuff.
Queer Games Bundle 2021 will run the month of June on with two price tiers ($60 and a ‘Pay What You Can $10-$20+ sliding scale’), with “proceeds split evenly between all makers”. Oh, and… do help in getting the word out. Pretty… pretty… rainbow, please? Happy Pride Month!
(Note: screenshot is from Terranova.)