Wanna make a game? Perhaps participate in a game jam to impose some sort of time and/or theme restriction on the project? Well, then… PROCJAM 2024 might not be what you’re looking for, as this one is about… making something that makes something. It can still be a game, although chances are most will be deviating from that… norm.
Another thing that makes PROCJAM 2024 different from most other game jams is that its dates aren’t set in stone, so much as put there to tell you when other people are more likely to be jamming… because socialising! No? Alright then. Well, from October 26th all the way through November 5th is the time to keep a watchful eye on social media to get a glimpse at what other participants are making, courtesy of the #procjam hashtag. Hint hint.
Last but not least, videos, tutorials, free art, and Seeds (a community-written zine) are at your disposal. So go nuts! No, really: go absolutely bananas during PROCJAM 2024 and create something awesome. Something that… makes something… else. You know?
(Screenshot source: PROCJAM 2023 submission KINGMAKER.)