Even though interactive fiction/narrative gaming is constantly growing in popularity, there still aren’t a whole lot of conferences/conventions/expos dedicated to either. Which is a darn shame if you ask me. I mean, sure, we have my personal recurring favorite, AdventureX (UK), and WordPlay (CA), but what about the US? Well, that is where NarraScope (MA) comes into… play.
So, since this is going to be the first NarraScope ever held, I suppose an introduction is in order (unlike, say, AdventureX, which regular readers should be familiar with by now; or so I’m hoping). Basically, the plan seems to be to create a celebration of narrative games, gathering fans of such from far and wide at the MIT campus in Cambridge. Why? Oh, I don’t know – perhaps ideas will be exchanged, projects discussed, and… heck, who’s to say what else?
For users of ‧ Adventuron ‧ AGS ‧ ChoiceScript ‧ Hypertext ‧ Inform ‧ Ink ‧ Quest ‧ Ren’Py ‧ Storyspace ‧ TADS ‧ Twine ‧ …and the rest… ‧
The event is scheduled for June 14 through 16, and Natalia Martinsson – one half of Killmonday Games (Fran Bow, Little Misfortune) – will be its keynote speaker. As for exactly what else is on the menu, well, quite a bit as it turns out! Lots of talks, presentations, panels, lightning talks – you know, the usual stuff. That said, registration will be closing on May 17th, and the entire thing is limited to 500 attendees. So I’d recommend busting out that credit card sooner rather than later if you plan on partaking.
Thanks to The Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation for running NarraScope.