There is no Miracle Cure. Outside of this rather zany game that is, in which you play the part of a doctor with… well, let’s just say I highly doubt his medical degree is even remotely real. What he’s doing is after all completely insane, and I’d be surprised if none of the patients end up suing him after they storm out of his office. Unless you play your cards right that is, and actually pull off this here… Miracle Cure.
Alright. So, how do you go about doing the impossible (ie. curing a wide variety of troubles with the same process)? Simple: bloodletting. Draw as much blood as seems reasonable – don’t worry, the game does give hints for each patient – and be sure to stop before going overboard. Don’t want ‘murderer’ on your resumé, after all, now do you? No. Definitely not. You may be playing the part of a quack, but again, as long as no one finds out, there won’t be… trouble.
It’s medieval times and you’re a doctor. It’s your job to help people! Repair their problems the only way you know how: BLOODLETTING!
Doesn’t matter if it’s someone with itchy hands whenever they pet their dog, thirst, stinkiness, horse communication issues or something else entirely – bloodletting is always the answer. Manoeuvre the knife around to draw as little (or much) blood as is required and move it as far away from the patient afterwards. Closing the wound, or any other normal medically sound practices? Nope. Not in this story. Just send them packing and pray you did a good job. You’ll know, either way, seeing how the game pops up a brief post-surger/-manslaughter dialogue after the patient exits.
For some reason, there seems to be a downright neverending line of people in need of aid too, and a lot suffer from the exact same thing; but the doc’s gotta eat, ya know? Yes, I do realize that it’s a video game, and every so often a die will land the same way. Doesn’t make it any less fun in this case though. Unless you really can’t handle the sight of blood. Then you may want to consider giving Miracle Cure a pass, even if the blood/violence is appropriately cartoony.
Miracle Cure (Daniel Saulnier, Del Nordlund, Patrick Flattery, Sebastian Scaini) is available on, for free.