Being afraid of the dark is not fun, but to the best of my knowledge, shadows have not managed to actually end someone’s life yet. In the real world that is. Leave the comfort of a well-lit area in Lightmatter, on the other hand, and you’ll perish. Combine that with an aesthetic that reminds me more than a little of the brilliant puzzler that is Portal, and I believe we might have something genuinely groovy here. Even if this one is completely void of, you know, portals.
Exactly why that is the case in this world, what its protagonist is doing and many other questions – well, they’re without an answer, at the time of writing. Try as I might, most of what I got from the trailer below was a little voice inside my head that screamed ‘play me!’; which you can do right now on their Discord, by the way. I didn’t, but that was only because I wanted to get this article out ASAP instead. Might go back for an impressions piece later. Anyway, something else the trailer shared is that… Lightmatter‘s “compelling sci-fi narrative” will be fully voiced by none other than Agent 47 himself, David Bateson.
Unfortunately, that’s also it for details regarding what will hopefully turn out to be a proper indie hit come launch. Aside from how absolutely stunning the art style is, of course, everything is bathed in a cartoonish look with smooth animations that come together to create an overwhelming sense of mystery and intrigue. Don’t you just love when a puzzle game instills such, prior to even playing it?
Lightmatter will be on Steam in 2019.