Amaze Me Game Jam. No matter how many times I read that one, I can’t shake the feeling of it being more of a command than anything else: “Amaze me, game jam!” – you know? But enough fooling around. This jam is serious business, a competition if you will, hosted by GameMaker Studio 2 creator Yo Yo Games in collaboration with Opera GX.
So, what’s what? Well, from 18 – 21 June 2021, submissions for Amaze Me Game Jam will be open. No, that’s not a typo: there’s a 72-hour window for submitting your creation, and the game jam itself? Why that started yesterday, giving aspiring GameMaker Studio 2 users approximately two weeks to put something together that somehow incorporates the NEON theme, which “you’re free to explore in any way you can think of”.
The game can contain bright neon colors, take place in a neon-illuminated city, or anything else you dream of!
Ready to get started? Great! Actually, hang on. Rules! I know they’re available on the Amaze Me Game Jam page, but just in case…
- Games must be made with GameMaker Studio 2.
- Games have to adhere to the theme.
- Games must include their project files for verification.
- Teams are allowed.
- Games cannot include themes deemed inappropriate for minors, such as drug use, sexual themes, brutal violence, disturbing visuals, etc.
There. Now you’re ready. Prizes? Ratings? Eh, let’s leave some things for you to discover via. the Amaze Me Game Jam page. So go on, click that link, fire up GameMaker Studio 2, and… amaze me!