Wow. Game dev folks got busy with Adventure Game Studio last year, a grand total of 100(!) creations – all of which are eligible nominees for AGS Awards 2020. That’s a lot of games, no matter how you look at it, so… well, get to playing and nom nom nominating!
Ah right, in case you’re overwhelmed by the Games Released in 2020 list, head on over to the For Your Consideration thread where many developers have recommended/highlighted their creation(s). So those who prefer an easier-to-scroll-through list may want to go there instead. Me, I’m (still) gonna hit the lot, see what I come up with. Who needs sleep anyway, right? Just in case, I’ve listed the steps below. We are currently on # 1 – nomination time! as highlighted.
- Step # 0 – play them games!
You have some time to play games made in 2020. Do it! - Step # 1 – nomination time!
Select games you deem worthy in each category! - Step # 2 – vote, folks!
Pick from the nominees and we get a winner! - Step # 3 – party!
Big party to celebrate the winners!
With seventeen categories and a whoppin’ one hundred games to nominate, fans certainly have their work cut out for them. At least you have until February 28 to play as many as possible, after which it’s voting time, and then… winners shall be found! Really looking forward to that, quite frankly, as I am curious as to exactly which Adventure Game Studio releases from yesteryear people prefer. Best Character, Animation, Short Game, Writing – so many different categories, so many different games. Long live Adventure Game Studio (and those who make amazing games with it).
Note: The screenshot is not from a 2020 game, nor is it my creation. It is from abstauber‘s AeroNuts, which he generously open sourced back in 2014.
(Source: AGS Awards 2020 – Nominate! and AGS Awards 2020 – For Your Consideration)