Votes have been cast and tallied, and the winners of this year’s XYZZY Awards have been found!
That said, as I’m sure most of you are going to scroll past this bit to get to the ‘who won?’ part… congratulations to the nine!
(Also, terribly sorry for not covering this sooner.)
Best Game: The Wizard Sniffer, Buster Hudson
Best Writing: Eat Me, Chandler Groover
Best Story: The Wizard Sniffer, Buster Hudson
Best Setting: 1958: Dancing with Fear, Victor Ojuel
Best Puzzles: The Wand, Arthur DiBianca
Best NPCs: The Wizard Sniffer, Buster Hudson
Best Individual Puzzle: getting past the dragon in The Wizard Sniffer, Buster Hudson
Best Individual NPC: Squire Tuck in The Wizard Sniffer, Buster Hudson
Best Individual PC: Fred Strickland in Will Not Let Me Go, Stephen Granade
Best Implementation: Eat Me, Chandler Groover
Best Use of Innovation: Harmonia, Liza Daly
Best Technological Development: Vorple for Glulx
Best Use of Multimedia: Harmonia, Liza Daly